
Author: vimanamail

New: Mail Archive

We are excited to share our latest platform update featuring the all-new Email Archive functionality. This enhancement is designed to streamline your email management, providing an organized and accessible way to store and retrieve important communications. Feature: Mail ArchiveManual: https://help.vimanamail.id/category/mail-archive/

New: Email Filter Scoring

We are thrilled to introduce a powerful enhancement to our platform – Customized Email Filter Scoring. This feature allows you to tailor the scoring criteria for incoming emails, providing a personalized approach to managing your inbox. Feature: Email Filtering Manual: https://help.vimanamail.id/configuration/

Update: Outgoing DKIM

We’re thrilled to introduce the latest enhancement to our platform: Outgoing DKIM. This update empowers you with an additional layer of email security and authenticity. Feature: DKIMManual : https://help.vimanamail.id/dkim-vimanamail/

New: Virus Total Integration

We’re thrilled to announce our latest update, introducing VirusTotal Integration to bolster your security measures. This feature enables seamless integration with VirusTotal, a malware scanner platform. To get started, here’s a quick guide on how to set up and use the VirusTotal Integration Feature: Virus TotalManual : https://help.vimanamail.id/virustotal-api-key/

New: Email Header & Footer

We’re excited to introduce a significant enhancement to our platform – Email Header and Footer Customization. This feature empowers you to create a distinct identity for incoming emails through headers and add a professional touch to outgoing emails with footers. Feature: Incoming Email HeaderManual: https://help.vimanamail.id/email-header/

New: Console Token

We’re excited to introduce a new layer of security to your account with our latest update: Login Token via Email Authentication. This feature adds an extra level of protection by sending a unique token to your registered email for each login attempt. Login: https://console.vimanamail.id

Update: Report CSV-PDF

We’re thrilled to announce an exciting update to our platform: the ability to export reports to both CSV and PDF formats. This enhancement provides you with greater flexibility and convenience in managing and sharing your data Feature: ReportManual: https://help.vimanamail.id/category/mail-report/