DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) is an email authentication protocol that helps protect email domains from being used for email spoofing, phishing attacks, and other cyber threats. Secure company’s mail domain.

In today’s threat landscape, DMARC is an essential security measure for any organization that relies on email communication. It helps protect against email-based attacks, safeguards brand reputation, and improves overall email security

Why DMARC is important for corporate email:

  • Prevents email spoofing and phishing: DMARC makes it much harder for attackers to send emails that appear to come from your company’s domain, preventing phishing attacks that can steal sensitive information or spread malware.
  • Protects brand reputation: By preventing spoofed emails, DMARC helps maintain trust with customers and partners, protecting your brand’s reputation.
  • Improves email deliverability: When you implement DMARC, you’re telling email providers that you take email security seriously. This can improve your email deliverability rates, ensuring that legitimate emails reach the inbox.
  • Provides visibility and control: DMARC reporting gives you valuable insights into how your domain is being used for email, allowing you to identify and address any authentication issues or potential abuse.